Wednesday 25 January 2012

Then and then again.

There are certain things in life that you can say outwardly, without hesitant, without fear, without thinking, out of impulse, and just for the sake of pouring everything out.


There are some other things that are supposed to be said nicely, without fear, in a soothing acceptable relatable way so that others can absorb. And not do it, just because.

Then again,

There are some things that are better left unspoken, for the better.

Yeah, that's just how it is. Learn it, understand it, and accept it.

Because some people just don't know how to say things nicely. Is asking to say it nicely and in a respectful way that hard ? I don't think so. So the LEAST you could do is try.

May Allah bless you and your soul. Amin.